Aplec Titellaire de Calders | en català | en español |

L’Aplec Titellaire de Calders (Puppetry Gathering of Calders), organized by the Cultural Association Espai Animacions and Calders Town Hall, is the alternative to the disappeared -at least for now- Festival de Titelles del Moianès (Moianès Puppet Festival) and takes up again the initiative of the first Aplec, held in 2015, to inaugurate the Espai Animacions in Calders, headquarters of Rocamora Teatre.

The 2024 edition took place from Friday 26 to Sunday 28 July 2024, exclusively in the municipality of Calders. The program consisted of four artistic proposals aimed at the various age groups, with shows of different techniques and puppetry styles.

Free access, with reverse box office (pay at the end).

Poster of the Aplec 2024